Questões Concurso Prefeitura de Lages - SC

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Listagem de Questões Concurso Prefeitura de Lages - SC

Cognitive abilities, tactics, techniques, language processing, conscious plans, and problem solving procedures are terms related to:

"The Western World gave its contribution to the learning process proposing that learning is first socially established and apprehended through social interaction by the individual learner" (in Bohn, H., 2001). Bohn is stating a proposition made by:

Write (1) for the actions with communicative characteristics, and (2) for the actions with non-communicative characteristics.

The correct sequence is:

The approach considers revision fundamental to the process of writing. It is recursive and consists of various changes performed in a written text while it is being written or after it. These are characteristics of:

According to Silva (Silva, T. 1991) there are at least four central approaches in Second Language writing instruction. These approaches are:

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