Questões Concurso MPOG

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Listagem de Questões Concurso MPOG

#Questão 484096 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, ESAF, 2009, MPOG, Especialista em Políticas Públicas (Prova 1)

. Read the text below which is entitled "Economic recovery: the case of the BRICs" in order to answer questions 25 to 27:

According to paragraph 2, the quantity of goods imported by the USA has

#Questão 484098 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, ESAF, 2009, MPOG, Especialista em Políticas Públicas (Prova 1)

. Read the text below which is entitled "Economic recovery: the case of the BRICs" in order to answer questions 25 to 27:

According to paragraph 2, a big rise in the size of the government in the BRICs seems to be

#Questão 484100 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, ESAF, 2009, MPOG, Especialista em Políticas Públicas (Prova 1)

. Read the text below which is entitled "Economic recovery: the case of the BRICs" in order to answer questions 25 to 27:

According to paragraph 1, in 2008, economic growth through investment

#Questão 484104 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, ESAF, 2009, MPOG, Especialista em Políticas Públicas (Prova 1)

. Read part of the interview below entitled "Faith-based politics" in order to answer questions 21 to 24:

In his answer to question 2, Mr Blair says that President Barack Obama is "perfectly well aware of the transient nature of all that fluff." In other words, the US President

#Questão 484106 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, ESAF, 2009, MPOG, Especialista em Políticas Públicas (Prova 1)

. Read part of the interview below entitled "Faith-based politics" in order to answer questions 21 to 24:

In his answer to question 1, Mr Blair refers to compassion, solidarity and social justice as concepts "the world of faith is not good enough at putting forward." In other words, at

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