Questões Concurso IPEA

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Listagem de Questões Concurso IPEA

Based on the text above, judge the items 16 through 30.

The Brazilian Central Bank is conscious of liquidity problems and of the price of credit.

Based on the text above, judge the items 16 through 30.

The Brazilian Central Bank has already evaluated its monetary policy before.

Based on the text above, judge the items 16 through 30.

It is advisable for Brazil to have its foreign lines of credit renovated.

Based on the text above, judge the items 16 through 30.

International offer of credit and demand for Brazil's output ought to affect its economy.

Based on the text above, judge the items 16 through 30.

In 2009, the GDP should be 1.8% lower than the data predicted for this year.

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