Questões Concurso CREFITO 3ª Região/SP

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Listagem de Questões Concurso CREFITO 3ª Região/SP

O texto a seguir, extraído e adaptado do Help do sistema operacional Windows 7, deve ser utilizado para responder às questões de números 58 a 60.Select multiple files or folders There are several ways to select multiple files or folders.

• (1) To select a consecutive group of files or folders, click the first item, press and hold down the Shift key, and then click the last item.

• (2) To select multiple files or folders that are near each other, drag the mouse pointer to create a selection around the outside of all the items that you want to include.

• (3) To select non-consecutive files or folders, press and hold down the Ctrl key, and then click each item that you want to select.

• (4) To select all of the files or folders in a window, on the toolbar, click Organize, and then click Select all. If you want to exclude one or more items from your selection, press and hold down the Ctrl key, and then click the items.

• (5) To select multiple files or folders by using check boxes: (a)

 Click to open Folder Options. (b) Click the View tab. (c) Select the Use check boxes to select items check box, and then click OK. To clear a selection, click a blank area of the window. Tip: After selecting files or folders, you can perform many common tasks, such as copying, deleting, renaming, printing, and compressing. Simply right-click the selected items, and then click the appropriate choice.

Com base no texto, dentre as operações mencionadas que podem ser realizadas com base nos arquivos ou pastas selecionadas, encontram-se:

O texto a seguir, extraído e adaptado do Help do sistema operacional Windows 7, deve ser utilizado para responder às questões de números 58 a 60.Select multiple files or folders There are several ways to select multiple files or folders.

• (1) To select a consecutive group of files or folders, click the first item, press and hold down the Shift key, and then click the last item.

• (2) To select multiple files or folders that are near each other, drag the mouse pointer to create a selection around the outside of all the items that you want to include.

• (3) To select non-consecutive files or folders, press and hold down the Ctrl key, and then click each item that you want to select.

• (4) To select all of the files or folders in a window, on the toolbar, click Organize, and then click Select all. If you want to exclude one or more items from your selection, press and hold down the Ctrl key, and then click the items.

• (5) To select multiple files or folders by using check boxes: (a)

 Click to open Folder Options. (b) Click the View tab. (c) Select the Use check boxes to select items check box, and then click OK. To clear a selection, click a blank area of the window. Tip: After selecting files or folders, you can perform many common tasks, such as copying, deleting, renaming, printing, and compressing. Simply right-click the selected items, and then click the appropriate choice.

No texto, uma palavra que tem o significado de “escolha” é:

Ao tratar imagens em RGB, é correto afirmar que o branco máximo e o preto máximo serão definidos pelas seguintes cores, respectivamente,

Quando uma revista está sendo visualizada em um monitor enquanto é diagramada, ocorre a síntese____________ , e o processo de impressão em uma impressora Offset ocorre a síntese __________ .

De acordo com a teorias das cores, assinale a alternativa que completa, correta e respectivamente, a sentença.

A tela representa o menu de impressão do InDesign.

De acordo com a sua configuração, é correto afirmar que

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