Questões Concurso ANVISA

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Listagem de Questões Concurso ANVISA

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia decided that few of the cosmetic products available in the market could be called allergy-free.

Based on the text above and on your capacity to draw inferences from it, judge the following items.

The Food Standards Agency is especially concerned with consumers’ spontaneous reactions to misleading or false information that packers and sellers use when labeling their goods.

Based on the text above and on your capacity to draw inferences from it, judge the following items.

It can be infered from the text that food poisoning may be connected with misleading or false information printed on food products.

#Questão 484739 - Física, Geral, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2004, ANVISA, Especialista em Regulação Sanitária

Acerca de situações, conceitos e definições em física, julgue os itens a seguir.

Em física quântica, a amplitude da função de onda de uma partícula em determinada posição espacial e em determinado instante, é interpretada como a densidade de probabilidade de encontrar a partícula naquela posição e naquele instante.

Judge the following items, related to the text above.

The sentence “it is essential that safety and quality be built into food products” (l.4-5) follows the same structure as it’s vital that he go straight to the house.

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