Questões de Inglês da MetroCapital Soluções

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Listagem de Questões de Inglês da MetroCapital Soluções

Read the sentences and choose the option that is NOT grammatically correct:

Read the sentences and choose the option that is NOT grammatically correct:

Read the following sentences and match each one to the correct option:
I. If he didn’t have the dog, he could go anywhere he wanted II. If you heat water at 100 degrees, it boils. III. If I hadn’t moved to the UK, I wouldn’t speak English. IV. If it’s sunny at the weekend, we’ll go to the park.
( ) Zero conditional ( ) First conditional ( ) Second conditional ( ) Third conditional 

Read the following sentences and match each one to the correct option:
I. Rob Woodward has taught English since 1997. II. I had already spoken to Jack when I came here. III. While Margot was cooking, we were setting the table. IV. Terry worked in a bank from 1990 to 1995.
( ) Past Simple ( ) Past Continuous ( ) Past Perfect ( ) Present Perfect

Read the following sentences and match each one to the correct option:
I. She has worked in this company for about 7 years II. Emily was looking for her coat this morning. III. A woman impersonated a nurse and tried to steal a newborn from a hospital IV. You hadn't changed your clothes before the end of the party.
( ) Past Simple ( ) Past Continuous ( ) Past Perfect ( ) Present Perfect

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