Questões de Inglês da MetroCapital Soluções

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Listagem de Questões de Inglês da MetroCapital Soluções

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate verbs.
I. We _____ ourselves to be extremely lucky. II. How about _____ to the circus tonight? III. I could barely _____ when I was a baby. IV. Apart from Spanish, she also _____ Math. 

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate verbs.
I. Despite_______ hard, he was insulted by his boss. II. We’ve _______ on this project since 9am. III. They _______ about money when I called. IV. The probability of ________ that match is not much. 

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate adjectives.
I. “We hated the concert, was totally ______” II. “The rotten eggs smell _______.” III. “Of the two routes, this is the ______.” IV. “He is a _____ driver.” V. 

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate adjectives.
I. “He said she was _____ that night.” II. “She's cute as a princess and _____, like her mother.” III. “I’m not beautiful, but I can’t say I’m _______.” IV. “I’m loving this book, it’s so ______” 

Read the following sentences and match each one to the correct option:
I. I will exercise if I have enough time. II. You wouldn’t be so tired if you went to bed earlier. III. A lot of people would have died if scientists hadn’t invented cures for the illnesses. IV. I get tired if I work too much.
( ) Zero conditional ( ) First conditional ( ) Second conditional ( ) Third conditional 

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