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Before 1960, archaeologists were seen as little better than:

Read the text below in order to answer questions 41 to 45:

Message from Dr Denis MacShane

Traditionally, Britain has enjoyed strong links with Latin America. In the 19th century, Britain provided crucial political support for the Bolivarian independence movement and unrivalled economic links followed. British firms led in the construction of railways, tramways, ports, bridges and other major public works with their world class expertise. Our current relationship is led by a renewed emphasis on modern political, cultural and economic links and, of course, our important trade and investments with Latin American countries. Annually, our exports are worth some £2.5 billion and British companies represented in the region read like an A-Z of the FTSE 100.

According to Dr Denis MacShane, links between Britain and Latin America

Read the text below in order to answer questions 36 to 40:


Important results grew out of the diplomatic action of Brazil vis-à-vis the Western European countries throughout the 1990s contributing in a significant way to the international insertion of the country. Diverse initiatives of a political, economic and cultural nature were implemented at the bilateral level with each country in the region and also at the multilateral level with the European Union – the most advanced experiment in regional integration ever made and whose success inspired the creation of the Common Market of the South (Mercosur). Relations with Western Europe, one of the priorities of Brazilian foreign policy, are characterized by an unusual combination of foundations: a common history (Portuguese discovery and colonization, 60 years of the Iberian Union, the Dutch presence in the Northeast); the role played by immigration and European culture in the formation of Brazil (numerous communities of descendants, language, religion and shared values), the dynamism of economic exchange (the European Union is our major trading partner and the primary source of direct investment in the country); and the intensity of the political dialogue (high level government contacts are constant and distinguished by a constructive spirit).

The author reports on

Read the text below in order to answer questions 36 to 40:


Important results grew out of the diplomatic action of Brazil vis-à-vis the Western European countries throughout the 1990s contributing in a significant way to the international insertion of the country. Diverse initiatives of a political, economic and cultural nature were implemented at the bilateral level with each country in the region and also at the multilateral level with the European Union – the most advanced experiment in regional integration ever made and whose success inspired the creation of the Common Market of the South (Mercosur). Relations with Western Europe, one of the priorities of Brazilian foreign policy, are characterized by an unusual combination of foundations: a common history (Portuguese discovery and colonization, 60 years of the Iberian Union, the Dutch presence in the Northeast); the role played by immigration and European culture in the formation of Brazil (numerous communities of descendants, language, religion and shared values), the dynamism of economic exchange (the European Union is our major trading partner and the primary source of direct investment in the country); and the intensity of the political dialogue (high level government contacts are constant and distinguished by a constructive spirit). The text refers to the bond between Brazil and Western Europe as being


The title implies that archaeologists:

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