Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2016

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2016

#Questão 591124 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, FGV, 2016, SME/SP, Professor de Ensino Fundamental II e Médio

Text 4 focuses on identity construction. Read the statements and mark them as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

( ) Professional identity results from a specific discursive model;

( ) Developing an identity is not a simple and effortless endeavor;

( ) Professional identities, including those of new English teachers, are in a constant flux.

The statements are, respectively:

#Questão 591125 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, FGV, 2016, SME/SP, Professor de Ensino Fundamental II e Médio

The phrase “stunted professional growth” implies that professional growth may be

#Questão 591126 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, FGV, 2016, SME/SP, Professor de Ensino Fundamental II e Médio

A poststructuralist view of language teaching/learning tends to support the notion that identities are

#Questão 591127 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, FGV, 2016, SME/SP, Professor de Ensino Fundamental II e Médio

In the context of Text 4, the fragment “Yet, research also suggests that accessing this array of rewards can be difficult.” introduces (an)

#Questão 591128 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, FGV, 2016, SME/SP, Professor de Ensino Fundamental II e Médio

Bohn (2013, p. 83 and 90) argues that in Brazil teacher identity has been strongly influenced by

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