Questões de Língua Inglesa

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Athletes do not eat what they should eat.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Everything in sports is now controlled by science.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Today, sports can be considered a significant field in which science can be applied.

#Questão 480327 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2004, CNPq, Analista em Ciência e Tecnologia Pleno I (Língua Inglesa)

From the text above, it can be inferred that

to travel across the oceans is by no means an unusual feat for humans.

#Questão 480329 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2004, CNPq, Analista em Ciência e Tecnologia Pleno I (Língua Inglesa)

From the text above, it can be inferred that

human navigators can pinpoint spots in uncharted oceans.

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