The curriculum published by the Municipal Secretariat of Ed

#Questão 926079 - Inglês, Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa, FGV, 2023, SME - SP, Professor de Ensino Fundamental II e Médio - Inglês

The curriculum published by the Municipal Secretariat of Education, São Paulo (2019), sets new goals and directions for learning and provides guidance to those involved in education. Such goals are distributed into three cycles for Primary Education (Years 1 to 9), as listed below. Match these cycles to their pertinent goals:
1. Literacy Cycle 2. Interdisciplinary Cycle 3. Authoring Cycle
( ) Recognize instructions that indicate body movements (EF01LI09; p. 75); ( ) Recognize the difference between layouts of texts from various media, according to the context (EF07LI06, p.85); ( ) Recognize words in English looking at images in games such as bingo and tic-tac-toe (EF04LI10, p.80); ( ) Recognize narrative elements such as characters, plot, time and space in a group work situation (EF03LI04; p.77); ( ) Recognize language variation as a manifestation of different ways of thinking and expressing the world (EF07LI25, p.87).
The item with the correct sequence is:

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