Newly discovered primate already facing extinction &nbs

#Questão 877070 - Inglês, Tradução, AMEOSC, 2020, Prefeitura de Itapiranga - SC, Professor de Língua Estrangeira - Inglês

Newly discovered primate 'already facing extinction'

   The Popa langur, named after its home on Mount Popa, is critically endangered with numbers down to about 200 individuals.
   Langurs are a group of leaf-eating monkeys that are found across south east Asia.
   The newly described animal is known for its distinctive spectacle-like eye patches and greyish-coloured fur. It is at risk from habitat loss and hunting.
   Scientists have long suspected there might be a new species in Myanmar, based on DNA extracted from the droppings of wild monkeys, but evidence has been hard to find. 

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